F3 Monthly update - February 2024


The User Research interviews were completed and are being analyzed. The F3 reference implementation evolved as the Forgejo F3 driver implementation is being worked on. The Wikidata Forges project extended to analyze the feature announcements of forges to figure out how and why they should be represented in F3.


User Research

There are users willing to participate in this research and they answered the interview designed for developers working with data sets and software forges. The invitation email explains what F3 and the research is about. There are only a handful of interviews but a small number of participants is fine.

Although we could gather more data, the interviews we have are enough because the service is simple and it is our first user research round.

gof3 reference implementation

The gof3 implementation evolution was driver by the needs of the Forgejo F3 driver which led to changes in the schema and the API. Most notably:

  • Exposing the forge compliance test suite so that the driver can verify it implements the required features by calling a single test provided by gof3
  • Modifying the F3 milestone representation in a pull request to be a reference rather than a string

Forgejo F3 driver

The Forgejo F3 driver completed the implementation of the following resources:

  • asset
  • comment
  • issue
  • label
  • milestone
  • organization
  • project
  • pull request
  • reaction
  • release
  • repository
  • review
  • review comment
  • topic
  • user

Wikidata Forge project

The inventory of all software forges is complete. To better understand what F3 should support and why, an effort to monitor forge features started, by analyzing the release notes published on each release. The first round was for GitLab 16.9. The results were shared with Forgejo to be used in their native implementation of forge federation features.

Reference: Forge project

Plans for the next month

  • Analyze the interviews and publish the user research report
  • Use the F3 CLI, as a standalone tool or embedded in Forgejo, to enter the debug loop that integrates user feedback