On using Jitsi with simultaneous translation

Here is how it could be done, with a simpler setup than the last time, with Jisti.

  • Everyone is connected to the same room
  • Before starting the meeting participants that will benefit from simultaneous translation will say so
  • Everyone lower the volume of the participants that will benefit from simultaneous translation to be audible but not understandable (20% or less)
  • The that will benefit from simultaneous translation lower the volume of the translator to be audible but not understandable (20% or less)

When the translator speaks, everyone hears a faint voice from the participant being translated and hears the translation instead. The participant being translated faintly hears the translator but is not disturbed because the volume is too low for them to understand.

@misc @aschrijver @pilou @mariha would you be available to try that out on one of these dates at Jitsi Meet ? It will take max 15 minutes.

  • Sunday 7th, 4PM Paris
  • Monday 8th, 4PM Paris
  • Tuesday 9th, 4PM Paris
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