User Research next steps


It’s a little early to think about user feedback because there is absolutely nothing at the moment :sweat_smile: However… I met Nuria by chance and her job is to do User Research. Serendipity. Today we had a nice talk about the next steps fedeproxy could engage in once the early adopters start using what it provides. Here are the bullet points:

  • First impression
  • Where the user starts to struggle
  • They either get use to it
  • Or they run away
  • Come back to them after a little while and ask how they dealt
  • Could it be that
    • They need more training
    • They are still unconfortable
    • They need for a fix
  • It is better to let them speak about how they use the software and express the problems (it is not a good idea to ask them for problems)
  • Shadowing would be best but how ?
  • Add a visible button to send comment, ask for help etc. link to the forum
  • Immediate feedback (5 smileys) on a specific action + space for comment
  • Design A/B tests from the start to compare User Experiences
  • Rating the links between forges somehow (the way someone would rate a translation). Not sure it would work though, just to keep in mind.
  • How do you measure a good experience
    • Save time
    • Less steps (should be stored by the tools)
    • Less loss of links between forges (measure the number of links between forges at the moment, measure how much more there is afterwards)


@javeaisgreat would you be available for a videoconference on the next steps of User Research? There is no immediate urgency in case you are busy :slight_smile:

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Hi Loic, Thanks for asking. Sorry it took time to reply but this platform is not familiar to me. I would be next Monday or Tuesday in the morning if it works for you?



No worries for the delay: I’m very grateful that you took the time to register and answer :slight_smile: Monday 2nd, August 2021 or Tuesday 3rd, August 2021 would absolutely work for me. Shall we say:

Tuesday 3rd, August 2021 11am UTC+2 at


Cool that works!

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Here is a tentative agenda for our meeting tomorrow. More of a guide than a strict schedule, of course :slight_smile:

Tuesday 3rd, August 2021 11am UTC+2 at


Here is a recording of the live demonstration about what software developer do when they have to track an issue in a library their software depend on.

Hi Loic, I will see you at 13.00 Spanish time, correct?

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11:00 UTC+2 is actually Spanish time :slight_smile: Soooo confusing. I’m in favor of abolishing timezones altogether!

I’ll be at 13:00 Spanish time, Which is also 13:00 Berlin time, where I am at the moment.

Thank you!

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@javeaisgreat it was great discussing with you. Here are my notes. I have to confess one thing: the idea about framing the shadowing session as a pair programming session came during our conversation!

  • Discuss the non-profit aspect in the user research: there is money but be transparent about it
  • Comments regarding the current pitch:
    • fedeproxy is going to allow free software developers to easily move from one software development environment (which we call forge) to another.
    • the first phrase must clearly explain what the project is about: building briges between software forges for communicate
    • mail = gmail = thunder bird = communicate
    • forge = issues = cannot communicate
    • example of impact in my work = i cannot record a bug in the other forge
    • fedeproxy helps forges to be connect and communicate
    • !! building bridges !!
    • adding something related to diversity (fedeproxy does not have diversity and is proactively working to fix it)
      • lack
      • intention
      • work 5%
      • accountability
      • links to diversity category
      • the means of communications have a shape (not one shot, more continuous, for instance)
      • humanize - relax - social behavior
  • Shadowing session
    • Get the upper body language
    • Write down the introduction
    • List of things you want to identify
    • List of questions if things do not happen naturaly
    • Shadowing framed in a way of pair programming - rubber duck debugging.
    • Since this is new, it makes sense to run a pilot before doing the real thing, just to make sure there are no roadblocks
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