GitHub features timeline

Features introduced in GitHub in reverse chronological order, as found in the release announcements and the public roadmap.

GitHub enterprise 3.12

Release notes

  • GitHub Actions
  • Merge queues
    • Automate pull request merges using merge queues, automating the process of validating and merging pull requests into a busy branch, ensuring the branch is never broken, reducing time to merge, and freeing up developers to work on their next tasks.
  • Security
    • Scale your security strategy with Dependabot alert rules. This public beta allows customers to choose how to respond to Dependabot alerts automatically by setting up custom auto-triage rules in their repository or organization.
    • Enhance the security of your code with a public beta of secret scanning for non-provider patterns, and an update to code scanning’s default setup to support all CodeQL languages.
  • UI
    • Highlight text in markdown files with the alerts markdown extension, which provides five levels to use (note, tip, important, warning, and caution).

Q4 2023.

  • GitHub Actions:
    • M1 & GPU runners support
    • Secure connection of runners from internal networks
  • Switching between two logged in accounts
  • Security updates are grouped by the dependency management bot
  • API for server management
  • New requirements for import / export between GitHub instances