Codeberg view on federation of forges

The relevant part is towards the end:

To reach an ultimate level of efficiency for Codeberg, I expect we require times 5 to 50 our current user count, that is 100k to 1 million. And if you fear the monopoly: this still leaves room for 73 to 730 instances if we want to replace Microsoft GitHub alone.

So I really hope we can get there, with a federated Gitea hopefully coming soon. With proud self-hosters forming associations and non-profits, to combine the forces and provide better service. Platforms that are owned by users, doing the best for them, and not for investors.


Seeing this I am immediately triggered that Codeberg (and forgefriends community along with that, especially if some of you delve deeper into the hosting model options) should start thinking now on the Unique Selling Points (USP’s) that forge federation can bring.

Codeberg is in the best position - I guess - to be a steering force for “proud self-hosters forming associations and non-profits, to combine the forces and provide better service”.

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