> ... we want to understand what the technical objectives of your efforts are, what technology design decisions you’ve made, and why you made those decisions. An Open Standard is ultimately a single document easily distributed. Updating and publishing the document conveniently requires the tooling provided by software forges. A change is proposed on the forge, discussed there and merged. The continuous integration pipeline verifies there are no formatting errors and the development branch is updated. Upon release of the specifications, the continuous delivery pipeline updates the website so the newer version of F3 is distributed to the general public. This workflow is familiar in the context of a Free Software project but it is less common when developing a standard. It is however more likely to facilitate participation from a larger community of developers, a facet that is essential to the long term sustainability of F3. > ... you are aware of known challenges you might face implementing those technical objectives, and that you have a plan to address those challenges, and how they may affect the output of the effort. F3 is a format that contains non trivial information and an ever growing number of objects. A reference implementation with a well defined API is both essential to its adoption and a technical challenge. To reduce the likelihood of fragmentation (diverging implementations of the F3 format) and minimize the development effort, the choice was made to develop the reference implementation in Go. The Go package can then conveniently be re-used as a module in libraries for other programming languages such as Python or Ruby. It will then be easier for forges such as Forgejo (written in Go), GitLab (written in Ruby) or Pagure (written in Python) to rely on this reference implementation instead of implementing its own.