Context * See past record below Agenda proposal * Update on software development and possible PoCs with Framagit, April and Heptapod : Loïc and Pierre-Louis * Review of draft “value case” of FedeProxy : “market” (needs), targeted users (typology, volume/share), benefits for developers community (assessment of time saved) and for Forges (mention of risks avoided) : Loïc and Pierre-Louis * Conclusion Actions, next steps * According to conclusion Record Minutes of July 7th meeting • Responses to Dapsi KPIs should be made in the case of Fedeproxy as for an activity to build an open source standard for the Forges operation. • The value is twofold : * for the users of the Forges it lies in time saved (in transferring project from a Forge to another or in contributing to projects in various Forges; an value assessment can be made although roughly and subject to discussion of pairs to be further refined (Loïc will draft some figures) * for Forges themselves, it lies in risk avoided or reduced (risk of data loss or of security breach, better covered within a federation of Forges rather than assumed separately) • Communication with Forges about FedeProxy : * Contacts initiated with Framagit, April and Heptapod, with warm welcome and OK to assess FedeProxy * Proposal develop blog/white paper explaining FedeProxy , the problem it solve and its benefits, communication to be relayed from allies (devleopers-prescribers, or Forges like those mentioned above) Minutes of June 16th meeting * Early results of the user research : users claims to be able to : * connect their bug reports with other forges * get notifications from other forges traced back to their original bug reports. è FedeProxy thus becomes more than a simple SSO manager. It’s an issue federator tool * The development plan is about June and July dedicated to build solution to be able to open and test a MVP in August FedeProxy is hosted on one forge and will be replicated on other ones. * Discussion on plan to start presenting FedeProxy to friendly forges and challenger-forges, with the scope that they add it to their list of services. * Proposal to build a presentation slide deck and a draft business model case, based on reasonable hypothesis, showing on loss side the possible traffic and hosting costs for the forge, and on the benefits side the time developers could hope to save on average on their development projects, thanks to FedeProxy linking issues throughout various forges. * Proposal to think about KPIs and related counters in FedeProxy code, based on the business case thoughts. Minutes of 26-05-2021 meeting * FedeProxy aims first at allowing interactions of subscribers of forge’s services with non-subscribers (those later ones may want to interact with developers of specific forge services without being users of those services). * A second FedeProxy may come later, allowing subscribers of a forge service to move own data to another forge service (but this second function have to be proved relevant as developers (from entreprises or independent ones) do not seem to really needing that portability facility). * FedeProxy has made 10 (1-hour long) interviews of users of forge services and plan to analyse them in June and July. * It is unclear what part of potential users would be keen to pay for the FedeProxy service, but the costs of operation are rather low (a simple server would operate the identity translation between the person’s and that in the targeted forge). Various possible business model could be foreseen. * FedeProxy aims at operating a PoC involving some users to validate the interest, seize the potential market, clarify the usage and the possible business models. Actions, next steps * Analyse the interviews made, identify the top priority pains and needs : FedeProxy/Loïc, Pierre-Louis * Next meetings : June 16th and July 7th, 11:00 to 12:00am : Jean-Paul to send corresponding invitations. Initial invitation Context * Dapsi program propose a coaching session series Agenda * Pitch of the project, at the point where it is now and its perspectives : Loïc * Review of the main KPIs for the rest of the year * Review of the plan to achieve the targets * Review of the means available and needed, the ways to obtain and use them * Review of the main challenges for the weeks ahead * Open discussion * Conclusion and set up the next recurrent time slots for the months to come Expected outcomes * Clear view of the project, its goals, difficulties and solutions.