On transparency, funding and efficiency

I don’t know of any other software project with this setup. It would take a formidable effort to advocate and clearly explain. I try that over the years, when a particular aspect unfolds (for instance the effectiveness of a code of conduct, or more recently the name centralization issue) but it takes time. It would also probably help to do some story telling about facets of fedeproxy that only exist because the community is horizontal.

I share your impression and analysis of the situation: I could not have worded it better than you just did. If there was an organization in charge of the project and someone within this organization was in charge of fundraising, it would be up to this person to decide whether to apply to DAPSI or not. And someone observing the project, however closely, would have no say.

In the DAPSI call topic and did my best to clarify that there currently is no work done and no leadership. Because, when it comes to funding, work and leadership is usually not a matter of public record.

If I understand correctly and rephrase what you said, you would happily contribute to a grant application for the community building part. But for that to happen someone would need to take the lead on writing the grant application as a whole. Is that correct?

I always read your comments and criticisms with pleasure and they give me a lot to think about, each time. Thank you :slight_smile: