NLnet grant application for federation in Gitea (deadline October 1st, 2021)

@techknowlogick would you be so kind as to create a new issue with the following content?

Title: NLnet grant application for federation (deadline October 1st, 2021)


During the videoconference concluding the generic grant application, it was decided that @zeripath and @techknowlogick will apply to the NLnet Next Generation Search and Discovery call for proposal for a total amount of 50K€. Should the proposal be accepted the work could begin around January 1st, 2022.

This issue will contain the draft of the proposal, its final version and all communications with NLnet (only redacted for privacy) for the sake of transparency.

The action items are distributed as follows:

The proposal will be submitted by @zeripath as the primary contact.

Cheers (8.6 KB)


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For archive, here is the document that describes what happens once a project is accepted by NGI Zero Discovery.

NGI0-intakedocument.pdf (227.0 KB)

This is different from other organizations distributing European funds (such as DAPSI going through which is a company and not a non-profit) because:

NLnet is an acknowledged public benefit organisation, and will pay you and other partners you involve in your project in the form of philantropic donations. These donations can be requested upon incremental completion of your contributions.

Meaning that in a number of countries the grant is not taxable as explained in this document:

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@techknowlogick would you be so kind as to provide your hourly/daily rate as a comment to It will allow me to guesstimate the number of tasks that can fit in the workplan.

I’ll do my best to select tasks assuming a total budget of 50,000€ with an hourly rate of £40 / 45€ / 70$ Canadian with 7 hours per day i.e. 315€ per day that is approximately 160 days of work or 8 month (20 work days per month). I apologize in advance: it’s not going to be pretty :wink:

@pilou would you be so kind as to send the following as followup of the NLnet grant issue?


This week-end NLnet sent the following message, which motivated me to draft the workplan sooner rather than later:

Last call for NGI0 Discovery approaching

Please note that we are rapidly approaching the last call round from NGI Zero Discovery. Currently over 90% of the available budget is already allocated to 135 projects, with the August call still being processed. This means that if you are nearing the end of your existing grant and were considering applying for a follow up project - you probably do not want to miss the October 1st deadline…

Here is a tentative workplan for a total budget of 50,000€ with an hourly rate of £40 / 45€ / 70$ Canadian with 7 hours per day i.e. 315€ per day that is approximately 160 days of work or 8 month (20 work days per month). @zeripath @techknowlogick this is merely a guide to get you started: since you’re going to be the one doing the work it must ultimately be something you feel you can easily accomplish in the timeframe. And the hourly rate must also be adjusted to match your needs. A few notes:

  • This is not a full time commitment, it can stretch over a longer period of time depending on your availability. The payments of the grant are not time based, they happen when a public proof of the deliverable completion is available.
  • While the workplan is based on the one included in the generic grant application, I stripped it down to the very minimum (as far as I can do that given my limited knowledge). I tried my best to focus on what would be a good foundation for gitea to build on. In other words I tried to keep the bigger items, those that really require funding to implement because they need days if not weeks to land.
  • I suggest you rework this workplan so that you are 100% convinced it will be very easy to finish. In my experience this is the key to success.
  • The Web Client and User Research task lists are not included because they are unlikely to fit in the budget. The grant will be enough to make significant progress with the infrastructure changes required for federation. But committing to deliver user facing changes in that timeframe is probably too ambitious.

What do you think? (6.0 KB)

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@techknowlogick do you think could vote a resolution to support the NLnet grant application? It would make a meaningful impact.


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What would a resolution need, a general statement of public support that Codeberg would be happy if the grant was implemented?

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Yes, that would be perfect. And also, if at all possible, that Codeberg trusts you have the skills required to complete the work.

I’ve brought it up, however I am not sure a vote will be able to be held in time. Would an official statement (perhaps a blog post) from the Gitea project be suitable?

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Sure! Anything publicly available will help, I think, as it will help the reviewer figure out the reality of the claim that codeberg is supportive of the federation effort.

oh, sorry. I should’ve been more clear, with codeberg unable to vote I’m unsure if a public statement could be made which is why I was suggesting the Gitea project blog ( as an alternative.

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Oh, sorry: I misread. Early morning distraction: your message was clear :blush: I do not think it will help with regard to support. But I think it might help if the blog post calls for support and people / organizations express their support publicly.

@pilou would you be so kind as to send the following as followup of the NLnet grant issue?

@techknowlogick @zeripath a gentle reminder: you have pending action items :slight_smile: The deadline is in 15 days and it would be wise to finish it as soon as possible to avoid any last minute troubles.

It should not take more than one hour of your time.

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@pilou would you be so kind as to send the following as followup of the NLnet grant issue?

I have good news :slight_smile: It turns out the workplan is not binding. What it means is that this workplan is just an indication that there exists a workplan already, instead of not. Assuming the proposal is accepted, the actual workplan as well as the cost of each subtask will be negotiated roughly one month after the acceptance. It makes sense: plans and personal situations can change between the date of the submission and the date when the work begins, three months later.

Bottom line, @zeripath has no work item left :tada: And there is just one item left for @techknowlogick : filling your bio & motivation in the grant application

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Posted (sorry for the broken timeline, I forgot to reply to the previous post).

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I’ve written my bio/motivation, just shared it w/ @zeripath for a second set of eyes before sending it over to you, and as for rate I think it make sense for both of us to share the same rate.

@dachary keep an eye out in your inbox from an email from codeberg next week, hopefully a message will be able to be sent from them in regards to support.


bio/motivation sent (via email).