Hosting costs for the libvirt hosted VMs


The hosting costs are divided between OVH (where a single VM exists for the purpose of carrying a VPN and the public IP of all web sites) and an hypervisor under my control where libvirt VMs are hosted to run GitLab, the forum etc. The cost of the VM hosted on the hypervisor is difficult to calculate but it should not be zero.

I propose the VMs hosted on the hypervisor are associated with a cost that is the same as the equivalent VM on OVH, as well as the disk space. And since this is a resource I provide to fedeproxy at no charge, it would be a donation on my part. It won’t change anything but it would show the costs. For instance:

  • Cost of the DNS libvirt VM: 3€/month
  • Donation for the DNS libvirt VM: 3€/month

Unless someone objects, I’ll update the spreadsheet accordingly.