Forge federation webinar preparation

It is just an addition. With 2-part toot you have 1,000 chars. Move the agenda part to the second toot, and an intro after “…liberate your code”

What about sending this one as it is. And send another a few days later with a different content announcing the event again (maybe calling for presenters). And yet another a few days later to suggest people ask questions in advance. I get that a toot will be missed and needs to be repeated but for those who catch one toot, I can’t figure out why it would be necessary to trim essential information.

That being said… it just shows my deep lack of understanding of how to communicate on social media :blush: It is likely that if I saw examples of what you mean I’d agree immediately.

1 Like!$q7i84uzVGVWsmzP-QqyOMGLnT1FlM4HQZei3XTl5f9Y?


@aschrijver do you have suggestions on how to properly relay/amplify this news? I sent a few toots/replies semi-randomly but it’s not thought out. At all :fearful:

Did you post to SocialHub already? I will pin the topic then. (stupid me)

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I deleted my account there for these reasons.

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Yeah, I was not in time to correct that :sweat_smile: need more coffee. I will post to the forum.

1 Like has relative anchors for the agenda and they do not resolve. It was not a good idea on my part to do that it turns out…

And the same here: Forge federation: How forge friends want to liberate your code (Webinar) - Meeting - SocialHub

Webinar on HN: That's amazing! The forgefriends community (previously fedeproxy) is doing a tre... | Hacker News

Forgefriends on HN: You should probably check out There's detailed monthly reports... | Hacker News


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Thanks to the good timing of the Gitea announcement it was a good opportunity to announce the webinar. There is hope that it gained a few participants and that makes me happy :slight_smile:

There is no more activity on the topic now, as far as I can see (checked HN, lemmy, twitter, mastodon). @aschrijver I plan to toot this on wednesday to get a few more participants. Does that sound like a right timing to you?

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Looks good to me :+1:

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Btw, might consider recording the webinar… would be great to have it around for later, post it to PeerTube, etc.

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recording would be appreciated as the time is 4AM local time for me.

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Welcome to forgefriends, Cliff. Yes, the webinar will be recorded :smiley:

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